Hi, I’m Patricia Kennedy.

I'm all too familiar with Burnout.

For years, I was the queen of the hustle. Long hours were my badge of honor. My calendar was a jumbled mess of work projects and family commitments. I convinced myself I thrived in the chaos, but the truth was, I was running myself ragged. 

  • - Doctor's appointments? Out of the question.  

  • - Working out? Forget about it 

There was always one more work task I needed to finish. I checked my phone constantly and frantically answered emails and texts at all hours.

I was taking care of everyone except myself.

The turning point came when exhaustion became overwhelming, and I became disillusioned. I couldn't keep going down that path. 

I was burned out and didn't know how to fix it. I read and researched everything.

As a ten-year seasoned career success coach, I noticed a pattern: the conventional advice on burnout often missed a crucial piece.

This revelation fueled a breakthrough

I developed a unique approach that addresses the symptoms of burnout AND the underlying causes.

It wasn't about forcing myself to "relax" or ignoring my ambition. It was about healing the inner critic, setting healthy boundaries, aligning my work with my true values, and finally prioritizing my well-being.

The journey wasn't easy, but it was transformative. I finally broke free from the burnout cycle and discovered a path to sustainable success and fulfillment. 

I've honed this very approach to help high-achieving women like you do the same –

Break Free From Burnout and Discover A Life You Love

  • Client Quote from Laurie B.

“Never could I have gotten that far on my own… How do you thank someone for that?”

Listen to one of our rockstar clients share her experience working with Coach Patricia.

Patricia Taylor Kennedy Approach to Coaching

My Approach

I feel lucky to have found my perfect career, but I feel the pressures of balancing my personal and professional lives, particularly when I became a mother to two wonderful children.

I felt like I was stuck in a rut. I knew things had to change but like you, was unsure HOW to achieve my goals.

That changed and I want to share that with YOU!

Create a Plan that Works for You

After many years of searching, I found the formula for career satisfaction. Now, I want to help other women identify the root cause of their malcontent and tackle it head-on through careful strategizing and goal creation.

Ladies, are you with me?